Event name
Meet your local town administrator Eric DeMoura. This will be the kick-off in a series of presentations from various town departments.
Wed 09 / 21 / 2022
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Who can attend
Members only (login required)
Limited Capacity: 66 spots available
Elizabeth Hazard
Now is your chance to meet your local town administrator Eric DeMoura. See a Powerpoint presentation about Town issues. Mr. DeMoura was appointed to the position of town administrator in October 2010. He currently manages nine departments, 851 employees, and a $187 million annual budget for the fourth largest municipality in South Carolina.
Mr. DeMoura has received the Credentialed Manager designation from the International City/County Management Association. Prior to his appointment as town administrator, Mr. DeMoura served as deputy town administrator for four years.